Bart "Shrimp" Scampi is a driver who participated in the World Race and a member of Street Breed. The DVD guide reveals Bart is a New Yorker, a motor mouth, he has lightning-fast reflexes and is "about getting things done in the shortest amounts of time possible". His last name means "a way to cook crustaceans", which is undoubtedly the reason for his nickname being "Shrimp". In the comics, he shows a certain disregard for the monuments left behind by the Accelerons on Highway 35, going as far as trying to steal a gem for himself (which Kadeem stops him from doing). Despite this greedy streak, he isn't selfish enough to leave behind a teammate if there is immediate danger.
- The only thing faster than this short, nervous New Yorker's motor mouth is his driving! Bart "Shrimp" Scampi has lightning-quick reflexes and a quicksilver mind. He's all about getting things done in the shortest amount of time possible, and he's got the Road Rocket to back him up on that! - Comic 12/35
Bart drives a car called 'Road Rocket'. (Not to be confused with 'Power Rocket' driven by Yucatan)
- Grappling Hook (Assumed)
- Nitrox 2
- Front and rear wings
- Aerodynamic engine cover with auxilary cooling
- Bart hates his nickname, according to Maximo.